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Mastering Successful Business Design

In Conversation with Matthew Morales

For this episode of E-coffee with Experts, Ranmay Rath interviewed Matthew Morales, Chief Operations Officer of LUD Marketing, a digital marketing and web designing firm located in Baltimore. Matthew Morales discusses the importance of website design and automation in generating leads. He emphasises the value of personalised messaging, targeting specific demographics, and providing high-quality leads over quantity.

Watch the episode now for some profound insights!

Don’t just focus on strategies, pay attention to principles. Principles never change, and all strategies are built around them.

Matthew Morales
Chief Operations Officer of LUD Marketing
Matthew Morales

Hey. Hi everyone. This is Ranmay here on your show E-Coffee with Experts. Today we have Matthew Morales from LUD Marketing with us. Welcome Matthew.

Matthew Morales

Thank you. Thank you for having me. It’s really good to see you. Good to be here. I appreciate you having me on the show.


Great. Matthew, before we move forward, introduce yourselves, and your audiences, and then we’ll take it on from there.

Matthew Morales

Of course. Yeah. Hello everyone. My name is Matthew Morales, author of Never Be Poor Again, A Guide to Money as a Spiritual Practice and the CEO of Let us dream Marketing, where we do beautiful website designs, SEO, and advertising.


Great. We gonna talk about it in detail as we move forward. Super. So, Matthew, you have traveled so much like we spoke earlier, right? Can you please tell us more about your philosophy and principle, when it comes to, designing successful businesses and how you relate with your journey of life, your travels, the learnings that you’ve acquired through this overall journey?

Matthew Morales

Yeah. Great question. So yeah, as everyone knows, my book says A Guide to Money as a Spiritual Practice because as he said, I traveled, went to India, Nepal, Thailand, the Philippines, and Guam. And as I was traveling for these multiple years and living in these countries is when I decided to start applying the principles from all the books that I read and what I learned was that every single book written by millionaires had the same underlying principles and it was those principles that were ignored. And so I was able to take those principles and realize that these are not only spiritual laws, but laws in nature and physics as well as laws of finances. And they’re all related. And that’s why I came up with this realization through my travels, that it’s a spiritual practice because these are related, and I infused that into my business.


Superb. Superb. Yeah. So talking about the website and SEO design, because that’s primarily what you have been into for so long now, how important do you think website design and optimization of it is for businesses to generate more leads and attract new customers, and what are some of the key parameters that you look for, or any, according to you, any business should focus upon to drive home more leads or more revenue for that matter.

Matthew Morales

Yeah that’s a great question as well. So I do, I did wanna say I do have two business partners, Drew and Gabriel, and Drew is the website designer. He does great website design and structure. While Gabriel is the graphic designer, he does beautiful graphic design and over the years, What I’ve learned is that it all comes down to the presentation.You need something beautiful and eye-catching. You need something that’s straight to the point and tells you what people are doing, and you need to bring it to people that care about that product, and these things are really important. We’ve learned that it doesn’t, you need to one, make a gorgeous website, but also the website in itself doesn’t do anything. So you need to bring people to the website so that when they see it, they see value


Absolutely. You might end up having a fantastic web website with no footfall, so it does not matter, how beautiful is your website. So optimization also plays a very key role in terms of, driving home those leads, revenue, and, all that things that come, along with that.

And, automation is a very key aspect of, any agency’s marketing strategy. I’d request you to throw some light in terms of how you feel automation plays a very crucial role in your marketing strategies and, what market software or platforms you rely upon to save time and increase efficiency at the same time.

Matthew Morales

Yeah. So yeah, internally we follow this rule that a business is the process of being duplicatable. And so we’re always trying to create systems and to automate systems because ultimately when you start a business, you want to run your business. You don’t want your business to run you. And so in order to do that, we need to create some kind of structure, some kind of automation so that all the roles are always being taken care of.

And there are two ways to automate, right? You automate with tools and you automate with people. Hiring people helps automate tool automate roles, and getting tools, helps automate roles. So internally in our company, what we’ve done is, like you said, we’ve created we’re trying to clockwork or self make our business self-sustainable.

If I wasn’t there as an owner and my business partners weren’t there, can the business still run? And the only way we can do that is by automating it. So we do automate it and we use tools like Asana to automate our project management. Our CRM, the CRM is like the dashboard of a business.

You need a CRM as a dashboard. So our salespeople, use Delight CRM. I think it’s delightcrm.io is the one we use. That’s a great one. And then we automate the process of getting leads, right? So we use a tool called dominateb2b.com to automate leads, which scrapes emails and things like that.

We have a proprietary tool to do that for Facebook and LinkedIn as well. So I think automating is important.


Agreed. If you can probably elaborate a bit more in terms of how it plays a key role in lead generation and sales funnel to maximize conversions and, minimize manual effort.

Because when we talk about automation, these are like tried and tested methods and we, automate them to save time and increase their efficiency. So how do you drive home, generate more leads, strengthen your sales funnel using automation techniques?

Matthew Morales

Okay. Yeah. So the way it works is we hear the word funnel all the time, and some people say, oh, you don’t need a funnel, or You do need a funnel, whatever. A funnel is just an image. An image of the way, the process, the way things work. And you can make a funnel in any way, but we need some kind of system which it guides everyone to one point.

And so for some of you, it might be a landing page. Okay. For some of you, it might just be like a form. For others, it might be a phone call. Okay? So the point is from there we need to find all the different places. And the secret is to find out where the people I want to talk to hang out. If I want to talk to mothers because they’re my favorite client, I’m gonna say, where do they hang out?

Where do they hang out on Instagram? Maybe they’re under the hashtag mompreneur. Maybe they’re under the hashtag mombusinessowners. Maybe they’re under these hashtags. If I’m talking about in person, maybe they’re at the Chamber of Commerce, maybe they’re at the YMCA. If I’m talking about finding veterans, right?

So I’m gonna go to, if I’m doing it on Facebook, they’re probably hanging out in veterans groups. If they’re on Instagram, they’re probably hanging out in these places. The keys, find out where they’re hanging out in as many places as possible, where you know, their emails, all that stuff, and pick one tool to automate that process and bring them down the phone.

Absolutely. And then you connect a whole bunch of tools. And so now you have one eventually bringing you leads from email and you have one bringing leads from Facebook, and you have one bringing you leads from advertising and you have one automatically doing phone calls. And it’s a scalable system, one at a time.

Just pick one if you want to. All of them work. Don’t let anyone say, oh, this is better than this and this, that’s not true. All of them work.


Okay. Great. You spoke about social media, and how you at, LUD marketing create ways of generating more leads via social media for your clients.How do you go about doing that?

Matthew Morales

That’s a great question. So we have a system that we call dominateLinkedIn, which. We created it by accident. It was natural. What we did was we needed to fill up our calendar, and so how we started filling up our calendar was we started writing a phenomenal message and irresistible offer, and then we were thinking of who could benefit from this offer, and we would use Sales Navigator to make this list of all these people, and then reach out to them with this phenomenal offer. That’s how it started, and when we created this system. It started taking off. We were able to get 15 calls, 30 calls, 50 calls, and we started booking it like that. Then we followed the same process on Facebook and went into groups and did the same thing.

Creating an irresistible offer. Making a list of people and finding these people in groups or hashtags or wherever. Different pages, comments. Go to an advertisement, look at the comment thread, there are many ways, and you find these people, you make a list. Find out who would be the best target.

And you reach out to them, right? It’s the same thing as back in the day when you had to knock on doors. Right now, you don’t need to knock on doors. Now you need to DM people. You need to PM people with an amazing offer. And so it doesn’t matter what social media you use, the question is where are the people I want to talk to hanging out and message them with something irresistible.


Absolutely. As you mentioned, messaging them over, their social forums. Talking about lead magnets, right? So what is your opinion on the effectiveness of lead magnets in the web, overall, conversion funnel, or the customer journey, and what type of lead magnet do you feel converts the best? As per your experience of working with your clients so far.

Matthew Morales

I’m gonna say this. When I teach, I say ignore strategies. Pay attention to principles. Principles can never, ever change. All strategies are built around principles.

Okay. So the lead magnet is value. There’s this saying that it’s never the price. It’s always the value of what they’re willing to exchange for the value. And so if you give ultimate value, then you’re willing to exchange it. If I said I’ll give you a million dollars. Or I’ll pay all your bills for the rest of your life.

To some people, it would be more valuable to pay your bills for the rest of your life. And for other people, it would be for you to give them a million dollars. So The point is, the principle is giving value. How can I give this person the most value possible? And then you present it in that way, through your images, through your text, through everything.

So if you want someone to buy your weight loss program, you don’t just say weight loss program, $500. You say easily and quickly lose 15 pounds in the next 30 days guaranteed. Or all your money back for only, right? That tiny thing is valuable. We’re solving problems. So that is the only lead magnet, that’s the only one that exists.

Is value. Everything else is just a different version of values. Find your way to give that ultimate value.


Very nice example there. Yeah, agreed. Talking about, we are in the age of, like we were discussing the other day about automation, a lot of chat bots coming in, and less human interaction happening.

According to you, how can businesses leverage chat bots and other automated tools around on social media to generate more leads and streamline their lead nurturing process.

Matthew Morales

Yeah, so it’s learning to use the tools, but still add personality and still add flare. Because those AI’s are limited and people still crave the human touch to this day, right?

If I’m trying to do something on the internet and it’s taking too long, I’d just much rather talk to a person. So I will call or text and other people will do the same. So as long as you can, even if you’re using this AI stuff, learn to do what’s called spinning, right? So don’t just say hi there. Say hey, hello, hoorah. What’s up? Find a million ways to say. These things, find ways to be personal, look up their information, their website, and all of that stuff first so that when you start making this, you can find ways to change the copywriting and change the messaging. So it feels personal. Why? Because using the examples before weight loss by can help you lose or easily and quickly lose 30 pounds in 30 days, right? That will do nothing for me. The skinny guy. Losing 30 pounds for me.


You are, you’re lucky that way.

Matthew Morales

Exactly. If it’s targeted specifically to me, if it’s something for me, I’m more likely to buy it. Mine might be to gain 15 pounds of muscle in the next 30 days, guaranteed for people with anorexia. That’s targeted, that’s specific, that helps a certain demographic. And that right there can be sold for 10 times more than gaining 15 pounds or losing 15 pounds. So that ability to be specific, that ability to be personal, that ability to say them forever. Imagine if I, instead of saying I can make you a hundred thousand dollars, I say I can make your company let us stream marketing a hundred thousand dollars because I’ve already reviewed your website, I’ve already reviewed your stuff. I know a bunch of things about your company and the way, you’re working already and can guarantee this for you.


Absolutely. Absolutely. Talking about leads prioritization of leads via different mechanisms. Scoring is one of them, so you are touching base with the hot leads out there before moving ahead or deeper into the list, as per you, what are those techniques to prioritize your leads coming from multiple Sources and, what factors should businesses consider while filtering out those leads.

Matthew Morales

One thing I’ve learned over the years is we always know quantity over quality or quality over quantity, right? Yeah. So that’s, for me, quality leads are better than a lot of leads. So what we do instead is first we create qualified lists because I’d much rather get 10 people to pay me $10,000 than 50 people to pay me two, $2,000 or what bad math, whatever it is. but that’s the point. So I’d much rather have 10 clients paying me way more money. And so I’d much rather have qualified leads before I used to have 50 leads a month. But only 1% of them were interested because they were just random leads. They weren’t qualified. I don’t wanna waste my time anymore.

So instead, qualify your leads. Determine how much money you want them to make. Make sure they make a minimum of $2 million. You can find that. Make sure they have at least 10 employees. Make sure they need your product before, and if you do that, you can minimize the amount of bad quality leads, and then it’ll be easier when you’re reaching out to them on social media, Facebook, and all of these different things.

The other thing is you can think of companies of leads as leads instead of people. That would make a huge difference because then you can qualify a company and say, this company makes 50 million, but they have a hundred employees. I can talk to all a hundred employees until I get this company to work for me.

Or work with me. So that’s a different way you can think about it. So I can talk to the owner and the marketing person and the CEO and the CFO and all the chief operations officer and one of ’em might find value in my product. And so now you can make bigger deals and bigger deals in that way.


Absolutely. Understanding the quality and the volume of the lead versus, just going after all the leads out there. Yeah, exactly. And then, you did mention tracking leads over LinkedIn as per you what type of content, and because that is also very crucial, someone reads for it before actually clicking on it.

So what type of content do you think is most likely to generate leads? Keeping LinkedIn in the discussion right here.

Matthew Morales

Just general content that gives them more information. Then you trying to get their information. So things to focus on, right? The three things to focus on are you want people to engage in your stuff.

This is how you get people to engage in information, being information or educational. Okay. What’s called showmanship? So being real like showmanship, making an awesome spectacle, making it something really interesting to click on. And then, or providing them with a lot of value, like something free, things like that where you’re not asking for things in return.

These are the things a great example is you see a lot of marketing companies say, I will give you a free audit. That’s not valuable because, to them, they’re not receiving something physical that’s benefiting them in the future. To a lot of people, they’re just like, what’s an audit?

Or so you’re just gonna audit me or You’re just gonna come in? For me, it feels self-serve. Okay. But if you say, I will give your a website, a free audit, and a free marketing plan worth $500 that you can use with or without me. Now you are giving them extreme value. So information, education, and using showmanship, getting people to engage, giving really good stuff and lots of value. Those are the ones. That’s how you get leads.


And then, before we let you go one last question. Matthew, what is your opinion on brand awareness campaigns, versus heavily targeted campaigns for conversions?

Matthew Morales

There is no versus. There shouldn’t be a versus. We have two different goals, right? They have two different goals with two very different purposes that end up helping each other. The point of brand awareness is you get your name out there and you build a reputation. And reputation is what a brand is. Brand just means the business word for reputation.

Okay? So you’re building your reputation. Your reputation lasts longer, is more permanent, and gets you more referrals and longer-lasting clients. Right then instant sales conversions. Now sales conversion, pays the bills. Those are important. It pays the bills. It gets you, customers, right away. It gets you sales right away, but it does not build any long-term value just from selling them.

Now you need to provide value and give them your brand awareness, so no matter what, you end up giving brand awareness, either first or second, doesn’t matter. So there are no versus. You need two campaigns. One, is to raise your brand awareness and your reputation and your credibility and your authority. And one to get you sales because this is gonna serve you now and this is gonna serve you forever.


Absolutely. Because the brand awareness part also gets you repeat customers. If I talk about it, from a sales value as well.

Matthew Morales

Repeat customer, referrals. So these are the things that matter. You want people to keep coming back and you want them to bring all their friends. I’d rather talk to a thousand people and those thousand people talk to a million than me try to talk to a million people.


Absolutely. Absolutely. Great. Matthew, it was lovely having you on our show. I’m sure that our audiences tonight would’ve benefited a lot in terms of what they heard from you, about SEO, digital marketing at large. And we’ll try and get a hold of you for another episode sometime down the line for a more detailed one. But yeah, really thank you so much for taking out time for our podcast.

Matthew Morales

Yes, and thank you so much for everyone having me on. Everyone check out our business. Let us dream marketing, check out the book. Never be poor again. Reach out to me. Become friends with me. Ask any advice you want, or to my business partners, Drew and Gabriel, we’d appreciate you. Thank you so much for having me on.


Thank you, Matthew. Have a great day. Cheers. You too.

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